// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package ssa_test import ( "bufio" "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "internal/testenv" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "regexp" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "testing" ) // Matches lines in genssa output that are marked "isstmt", and the parenthesized plus-prefixed line number is a submatch var asmLine *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s[vb]\d+\s+\d+\s\(\+(\d+)\)`) // this matches e.g. ` v123456789 000007 (+9876654310) MOVUPS X15, ""..autotmp_2-32(SP)` // Matches lines in genssa output that describe an inlined file. // Note it expects an unadventurous choice of basename. var sepRE = regexp.QuoteMeta(string(filepath.Separator)) var inlineLine *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^#\s.*` + sepRE + `[-\w]+\.go:(\d+)`) // this matches e.g. # /pa/inline-dumpxxxx.go:6 var testGoArchFlag = flag.String("arch", "", "run test for specified architecture") func testGoArch() string { if *testGoArchFlag == "" { return runtime.GOARCH } return *testGoArchFlag } func hasRegisterABI() bool { switch testGoArch() { case "amd64", "arm64", "loong64", "ppc64", "ppc64le", "riscv": return true } return false } func unixOnly(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS != "linux" && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" { // in particular, it could be windows. t.Skip("this test depends on creating a file with a wonky name, only works for sure on Linux and Darwin") } } // testDebugLinesDefault removes the first wanted statement on architectures that are not (yet) register ABI. func testDebugLinesDefault(t *testing.T, gcflags, file, function string, wantStmts []int, ignoreRepeats bool) { unixOnly(t) if !hasRegisterABI() { wantStmts = wantStmts[1:] } testDebugLines(t, gcflags, file, function, wantStmts, ignoreRepeats) } func TestDebugLinesSayHi(t *testing.T) { // This test is potentially fragile, the goal is that debugging should step properly through "sayhi" // If the blocks are reordered in a way that changes the statement order but execution flows correctly, // then rearrange the expected numbers. Register abi and not-register-abi also have different sequences, // at least for now. testDebugLinesDefault(t, "-N -l", "sayhi.go", "sayhi", []int{8, 9, 10, 11}, false) } func TestDebugLinesPushback(t *testing.T) { unixOnly(t) switch testGoArch() { default: t.Skip("skipped for many architectures") case "arm64", "amd64": // register ABI fn := "(*List[go.shape.int_0]).PushBack" if true /* was buildcfg.Experiment.Unified */ { // Unified mangles differently fn = "(*List[go.shape.int]).PushBack" } testDebugLines(t, "-N -l", "pushback.go", fn, []int{17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24}, true) } } func TestDebugLinesConvert(t *testing.T) { unixOnly(t) switch testGoArch() { default: t.Skip("skipped for many architectures") case "arm64", "amd64": // register ABI fn := "G[go.shape.int_0]" if true /* was buildcfg.Experiment.Unified */ { // Unified mangles differently fn = "G[go.shape.int]" } testDebugLines(t, "-N -l", "convertline.go", fn, []int{9, 10, 11}, true) } } func TestInlineLines(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" && *testGoArchFlag == "" { // As of september 2021, works for everything except mips64, but still potentially fragile t.Skip("only runs for amd64 unless -arch explicitly supplied") } want := [][]int{{3}, {4, 10}, {4, 10, 16}, {4, 10}, {4, 11, 16}, {4, 11}, {4}, {5, 10}, {5, 10, 16}, {5, 10}, {5, 11, 16}, {5, 11}, {5}} testInlineStack(t, "inline-dump.go", "f", want) } func TestDebugLines_53456(t *testing.T) { testDebugLinesDefault(t, "-N -l", "b53456.go", "(*T).Inc", []int{15, 16, 17, 18}, true) } func compileAndDump(t *testing.T, file, function, moreGCFlags string) []byte { testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) tmpdir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "debug_lines_test") if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Problem creating TempDir, error %v", err)) } if testing.Verbose() { fmt.Printf("Preserving temporary directory %s\n", tmpdir) } else { defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir) } source, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join("testdata", file)) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not get abspath of testdata directory and file, %v", err)) } cmd := testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), "build", "-o", "foo.o", "-gcflags=-d=ssa/genssa/dump="+function+" "+moreGCFlags, source) cmd.Dir = tmpdir cmd.Env = replaceEnv(cmd.Env, "GOSSADIR", tmpdir) testGoos := "linux" // default to linux if testGoArch() == "wasm" { testGoos = "js" } cmd.Env = replaceEnv(cmd.Env, "GOOS", testGoos) cmd.Env = replaceEnv(cmd.Env, "GOARCH", testGoArch()) if testing.Verbose() { fmt.Printf("About to run %s\n", asCommandLine("", cmd)) } var stdout, stderr strings.Builder cmd.Stdout = &stdout cmd.Stderr = &stderr if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("error running cmd %s: %v\nstdout:\n%sstderr:\n%s\n", asCommandLine("", cmd), err, stdout.String(), stderr.String()) } if s := stderr.String(); s != "" { t.Fatalf("Wanted empty stderr, instead got:\n%s\n", s) } dumpFile := filepath.Join(tmpdir, function+"_01__genssa.dump") dumpBytes, err := os.ReadFile(dumpFile) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Could not read dump file %s, err=%v", dumpFile, err) } return dumpBytes } func sortInlineStacks(x [][]int) { sort.Slice(x, func(i, j int) bool { if len(x[i]) != len(x[j]) { return len(x[i]) < len(x[j]) } for k := range x[i] { if x[i][k] != x[j][k] { return x[i][k] < x[j][k] } } return false }) } // testInlineStack ensures that inlining is described properly in the comments in the dump file func testInlineStack(t *testing.T, file, function string, wantStacks [][]int) { // this is an inlining reporting test, not an optimization test. -N makes it less fragile dumpBytes := compileAndDump(t, file, function, "-N") dump := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(dumpBytes)) dumpLineNum := 0 var gotStmts []int var gotStacks [][]int for dump.Scan() { line := dump.Text() dumpLineNum++ matches := inlineLine.FindStringSubmatch(line) if len(matches) == 2 { stmt, err := strconv.ParseInt(matches[1], 10, 32) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected to parse a line number but saw %s instead on dump line #%d, error %v", matches[1], dumpLineNum, err) } if testing.Verbose() { fmt.Printf("Saw stmt# %d for submatch '%s' on dump line #%d = '%s'\n", stmt, matches[1], dumpLineNum, line) } gotStmts = append(gotStmts, int(stmt)) } else if len(gotStmts) > 0 { gotStacks = append(gotStacks, gotStmts) gotStmts = nil } } if len(gotStmts) > 0 { gotStacks = append(gotStacks, gotStmts) gotStmts = nil } sortInlineStacks(gotStacks) sortInlineStacks(wantStacks) if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantStacks, gotStacks) { t.Errorf("wanted inlines %+v but got %+v\n%s", wantStacks, gotStacks, dumpBytes) } } // testDebugLines compiles testdata/ with flags -N -l and -d=ssa/genssa/dump= // then verifies that the statement-marked lines in that file are the same as those in wantStmts // These files must all be short because this is super-fragile. // "go build" is run in a temporary directory that is normally deleted, unless -test.v func testDebugLines(t *testing.T, gcflags, file, function string, wantStmts []int, ignoreRepeats bool) { dumpBytes := compileAndDump(t, file, function, gcflags) dump := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(dumpBytes)) var gotStmts []int dumpLineNum := 0 for dump.Scan() { line := dump.Text() dumpLineNum++ matches := asmLine.FindStringSubmatch(line) if len(matches) == 2 { stmt, err := strconv.ParseInt(matches[1], 10, 32) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected to parse a line number but saw %s instead on dump line #%d, error %v", matches[1], dumpLineNum, err) } if testing.Verbose() { fmt.Printf("Saw stmt# %d for submatch '%s' on dump line #%d = '%s'\n", stmt, matches[1], dumpLineNum, line) } gotStmts = append(gotStmts, int(stmt)) } } if ignoreRepeats { // remove repeats from gotStmts newGotStmts := []int{gotStmts[0]} for _, x := range gotStmts { if x != newGotStmts[len(newGotStmts)-1] { newGotStmts = append(newGotStmts, x) } } if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantStmts, newGotStmts) { t.Errorf("wanted stmts %v but got %v (with repeats still in: %v)", wantStmts, newGotStmts, gotStmts) } } else { if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantStmts, gotStmts) { t.Errorf("wanted stmts %v but got %v", wantStmts, gotStmts) } } }