env GO111MODULE=on [short] skip # list {{.Dir}} shows main module and go.mod but not not-yet-downloaded dependency dir. go list -mod=mod -m -f '{{.Path}} {{.Main}} {{.GoMod}} {{.Dir}}' all stdout '^x true .*[\\/]src[\\/]go.mod .*[\\/]src$' stdout '^rsc.io/quote false .*[\\/]v1.5.2.mod $' # list {{.Dir}} shows dependency after download (and go list without -m downloads it) go list -mod=mod -f '{{.Dir}}' rsc.io/quote stdout '.*mod[\\/]rsc.io[\\/]quote@v1.5.2$' # downloaded dependencies are read-only exists -readonly $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 exists -readonly $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/buggy # go clean -modcache can delete read-only dependencies go clean -modcache ! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 # list {{.Dir}} shows replaced directories cp go.mod2 go.mod go list -mod=mod -f {{.Dir}} rsc.io/quote go list -m -f '{{.Path}} {{.Version}} {{.Dir}}{{with .Replace}} {{.GoMod}} => {{.Version}} {{.Dir}} {{.GoMod}}{{end}}' all stdout 'mod[\\/]rsc.io[\\/]quote@v1.5.1' stdout 'v1.3.0.*mod[\\/]rsc.io[\\/]sampler@v1.3.1 .*[\\/]v1.3.1.mod => v1.3.1.*sampler@v1.3.1 .*[\\/]v1.3.1.mod' # list std should work go list std stdout ^math/big # rsc.io/quote/buggy should be listable as a package, # even though it is only a test. go list -mod=mod rsc.io/quote/buggy # rsc.io/quote/buggy should not be listable as a module go list -m -e -f '{{.Error.Err}}' nonexist rsc.io/quote/buggy stdout '^module nonexist: not a known dependency$' stdout '^module rsc.io/quote/buggy: not a known dependency$' ! go list -m nonexist rsc.io/quote/buggy stderr '^go: module nonexist: not a known dependency' stderr '^go: module rsc.io/quote/buggy: not a known dependency' # Module loader does not interfere with list -e (golang.org/issue/24149). go list -e -f '{{.Error.Err}}' database stdout 'package database is not in std' ! go list database stderr 'package database is not in std' -- go.mod -- module x require rsc.io/quote v1.5.2 -- go.mod2 -- module x require rsc.io/quote v1.5.1 replace rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 => rsc.io/sampler v1.3.1 -- x.go -- package x import _ "rsc.io/quote"