// asmcheck // Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package codegen //go:registerparams func f1(a, b int) { // amd64:"MOVQ\tBX, CX", "MOVQ\tAX, BX", "MOVL\t\\$1, AX", -"MOVQ\t.*DX" g(1, a, b) } //go:registerparams func f2(a, b int) { // amd64:"MOVQ\tBX, AX", "MOVQ\t[AB]X, CX", -"MOVQ\t.*, BX" g(b, b, b) } //go:noinline //go:registerparams func g(int, int, int) {}