// run // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This test makes sure that ambiguously live arguments work correctly. package main import ( "runtime" ) type HeapObj [8]int64 type StkObj struct { h *HeapObj } var n int var c int = -1 func gc() { // encourage heap object to be collected, and have its finalizer run. runtime.GC() runtime.GC() runtime.GC() n++ } var null StkObj var sink *HeapObj //go:noinline func use(p *StkObj) { } //go:noinline func f(s StkObj, b bool) { var p *StkObj if b { p = &s } else { p = &null } // use is required here to prevent the conditional // code above from being executed after the first gc() call. use(p) // If b==false, h should be collected here. gc() // 0 sink = p.h gc() // 1 sink = nil // If b==true, h should be collected here. gc() // 2 } func fTrue() { var s StkObj s.h = new(HeapObj) c = -1 n = 0 runtime.SetFinalizer(s.h, func(h *HeapObj) { // Remember at what phase the heap object was collected. c = n }) f(s, true) if c != 2 { panic("bad liveness") } } func fFalse() { var s StkObj s.h = new(HeapObj) c = -1 n = 0 runtime.SetFinalizer(s.h, func(h *HeapObj) { // Remember at what phase the heap object was collected. c = n }) f(s, false) if c != 0 { panic("bad liveness") } } func main() { fTrue() fFalse() }