// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package a type IVal[T comparable] interface { check(want T) } type Val[T comparable] struct { val T } //go:noinline func (l *Val[T]) check(want T) { if l.val != want { panic("hi") } } func Test1() { var l Val[int] if l.val != 0 { panic("hi") } _ = IVal[int](&l) } func Test2() { var l Val[float64] l.val = 3.0 l.check(float64(3)) _ = IVal[float64](&l) } type privateVal[T comparable] struct { val T } //go:noinline func (l *privateVal[T]) check(want T) { if l.val != want { panic("hi") } } type Outer struct { val privateVal[string] } func Test3() { var o Outer o.val.check("") _ = IVal[string](&o.val) }