// run // Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main type I[T any] interface { foo() } type J[T any] interface { foo() bar() } //go:noinline func f[T J[T]](x T, g func(T) T) I[T] { // contains a cast between two nonempty interfaces // Also make sure we don't evaluate g(x) twice. return I[T](J[T](g(x))) } type S struct { x int } func (s *S) foo() {} func (s *S) bar() {} var cnt int func inc(s *S) *S { cnt++ return s } func main() { i := f(&S{x: 7}, inc) if i.(*S).x != 7 { panic("bad") } if cnt != 1 { panic("multiple calls") } }