// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "./a" ) // Creates copy of set func Copy[T comparable](src MapSet[T]) (dst MapSet[T]) { dst = HashSet[T](src.Len()) Fill(src, dst) return } // Fill src from dst func Fill[T any](src, dst MapSet[T]) { src.Iterate(func(t T) bool { dst.Add(t) return true }) return } type MapSet[T any] struct { m a.Map[T, struct{}] } func HashSet[T comparable](capacity int) MapSet[T] { return FromMap[T](a.NewHashMap[T, struct{}](capacity)) } func FromMap[T any](m a.Map[T, struct{}]) MapSet[T] { return MapSet[T]{ m: m, } } func (s MapSet[T]) Add(t T) { s.m.Put(t, struct{}{}) } func (s MapSet[T]) Len() int { return s.m.Len() } func (s MapSet[T]) Iterate(cb func(T) bool) { s.m.Iterate(func(p a.Pair[T, struct{}]) bool { return cb(p.L) }) } func main() { x := FromMap[int](a.NewHashMap[int, struct{}](1)) Copy[int](x) }