// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package b import "./a" type ( lA[P any] [10]P lS[P any] struct{ f P } lP[P any] *P lM[K comparable, V any] map[K]V ) // local cycles type ( A lA[A] // ERROR "invalid recursive type" S lS[S] // ERROR "invalid recursive type" P lP[P] // ok (indirection through lP) M1 lM[int, M1] // ok (indirection through lM) M2 lM[lA[byte], M2] // ok (indirection through lM) A2 lA[lS[lP[A2]]] // ok (indirection through lP) A3 lA[lS[lS[A3]]] // ERROR "invalid recursive type" ) // cycles through imported types type ( Ai a.A[Ai] // ERROR "invalid recursive type" Si a.S[Si] // ERROR "invalid recursive type" Pi a.P[Pi] // ok (indirection through a.P) M1i a.M[int, M1i] // ok (indirection through a.M) M2i a.M[a.A[byte], M2i] // ok (indirection through a.M) A2i a.A[a.S[a.P[A2i]]] // ok (indirection through a.P) A3i a.A[a.S[a.S[A3i]]] // ERROR "invalid recursive type" T2 a.S[T0[T2]] // ERROR "invalid recursive type" T3 T0[Ai] // no follow-on error here ) // test case from issue type T0[P any] struct { f P } type T1 struct { // ERROR "invalid recursive type" _ T0[T1] }