// run // Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // The Go 1.18 frontend failed to disambiguate instantiations of // different, locally defined generic types with the same name. // // The unified frontend also exposed the scope-disambiguation mangling // to end users in reflect data. package main import ( "reflect" ) func one() any { type T[_ any] int; return T[int](0) } func two() any { type T[_ any] int; return T[int](0) } func main() { p, q := one(), two() // p and q have different dynamic types; this comparison should // evaluate false. if p == q { panic("bad type identity") } for _, x := range []any{p, q} { // The names here should not contain "·1" or "·2". if name := reflect.TypeOf(x).String(); name != "main.T[int]" { panic(name) } } }