Text file src/runtime/cgo/asm_386.s

     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  #include "textflag.h"
     7  // Set the x_crosscall2_ptr C function pointer variable point to crosscall2.
     8  // It's such a pointer chain: _crosscall2_ptr -> x_crosscall2_ptr -> crosscall2
     9  // Use a local trampoline, to avoid taking the address of a dynamically exported
    10  // function.
    11  TEXT ·set_crosscall2(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
    12  	MOVL	_crosscall2_ptr(SB), AX
    13  	MOVL	$crosscall2_trampoline<>(SB), BX
    14  	MOVL	BX, (AX)
    15  	RET
    17  TEXT crosscall2_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
    18  	JMP	crosscall2(SB)
    20  // Called by C code generated by cmd/cgo.
    21  // func crosscall2(fn, a unsafe.Pointer, n int32, ctxt uintptr)
    22  // Saves C callee-saved registers and calls cgocallback with three arguments.
    23  // fn is the PC of a func(a unsafe.Pointer) function.
    24  TEXT crosscall2(SB),NOSPLIT,$28-16
    25  	MOVL BP, 24(SP)
    26  	MOVL BX, 20(SP)
    27  	MOVL SI, 16(SP)
    28  	MOVL DI, 12(SP)
    30  	MOVL	ctxt+12(FP), AX
    31  	MOVL	AX, 8(SP)
    32  	MOVL	a+4(FP), AX
    33  	MOVL	AX, 4(SP)
    34  	MOVL	fn+0(FP), AX
    35  	MOVL	AX, 0(SP)
    36  	CALL	runtime·cgocallback(SB)
    38  	MOVL 12(SP), DI
    39  	MOVL 16(SP), SI
    40  	MOVL 20(SP), BX
    41  	MOVL 24(SP), BP
    42  	RET

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